

Ecological and Environmental Assessments and Reporting

Our team are specialists at ecological and environmental assessment and reporting. We provide a full range of professional ecological and environmental assessment services. We consult and advise with private entities, local and state government authorities on small and large-scale projects across Australia. Our team utilises the latest industry standards and guidelines alongside cultural and proven methodologies to provide desirable outcomes for the environment and industry.

Our ecological and environmental services include:

  • Threatened species assessments
  • Wetland health assessments and design
  • Species impact statements
  • Environmental impact statements
  • Review of Environmental Factors
  • Five-part Test of significance
  • Flora and fauna assessments
  • Ecological assessment
  • Ecological monitoring

From the initial planning phase of your development and/or project, right through to completion, we can provide the full scope of environmental assessments and reports for all developments.

Wetlands – Ecological and Environmental assessments

We are wetland ecology specialists and have designed, installed, remediated and maintained domestic and commercial wetlands across the East Coast of Australia. Our team of ecologists and engineers ensure our wetlands provide commercial value through wastewater treatment as well as improve the biodiversity and ecological functions in the landscape. Wetlands are the filters for our rivers, and we pride ourselves on the role we play in improving environmental water systems. See the Constructed Wetlands section on for more details.

Threatened Species Assessments – Ecological and Environmental

All developments have the potential to impact on the environmental and ecological processes that support threatened species in our landscape. We provide advice and expertise throughout a projects lifetime to ensure impacts to threatened species are avoided, mitigated and/or offset. Our range of  environmental assessments and reports help guide industry to have minimal impacts and improve ecological outcomes.

For more information on our local threatened species please see NSW Office of Environmental Heritage.

Each project requires unique Ecological and Environmental Assessment and Reporting so please contact us and we can talk through your requirements.


Biodioversity and Ecological Assessments - identification of subtropical rainforest plant species

Vegetation surveys in Northeast NSW.

Biodeiversity and Ecology Assessments - Skink (Ctenotus halysis)

Skink (Ctenotus halysis)



Biodiversity and Ecology Assessments - Flatback turtle (Natator depressus)

Flatback turtle (Natator depressus)

Biodioversity and Ecology Assessments - Western quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii)

Western quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii)



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