World Class Wetland Design at Cedar Grove

Ecoteam is working with the Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance to design  and construct the wastewater polishing wetlands for the Cedar Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) in South East Queensland. Officially called the Cedar Grove Environmental Centre, the WTP is a world-class facility designed to treat wastewater to the highest standard.


Stage 1

Stage 1 involves the design of an 7 ha wetland at the site to treat nitrogen to 1 mg/L and phosphorus to 0.5 mg/L, following initial treatment in a membrane bioreactor (MBR). Ecoteam designed the wetland to achieve the strictest environmental licence ever issued by the Department of Environment and Science in Queensland.


Ecoteam coordinated the planting of the 11 ha wetland with four wetland species:

  • Eleocharis dulcis
  • Schoenoplectus validus
  • Baumea articulata
  • Bolboschoenus caldwelli

New Sustainability Benchmark

Billed as ‘Queensland’s first environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment plant‘, the Cedar Grove Environmental Centre will have a net environmental benefit and provide five times the benefit when compared to any other typical wastewater treatment plant in Australia.


As well as the wastewater polishing wetlands:

  • 38 ha of native trees will be planted
  • a solar farm will be installed to power parts of  WTP, and
  • sections of upstream waterways will be revegetated.


The wetlands are in establishment phase and will begin receiving wastewater in mid-2020.

The Cedar Grove Development

The Cedar Grove WTP will service the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area, identified in the SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031.  The Cedar Grove WTP is located between Logan Road and Cedar Grove Road in the Logan City Council area. The Wastewater Treatment Plan will receive wastewater from the expanding residential areas surrounding the site.

Community Use

Opportunities for community use of the site (including walking trails along the Logan River, picnic shelters, nursery, and spaces for community events) are being discussed with Logan City Council and the Cedar Grove Community Reference Group. The Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance coordinated an extensive community consultation process as part of the project.


For enquiries about wetland design, please contact Project Manager, Dr. Keith Bolton or Environmental Engineer, Lise Bolton on (02) 6621 5123.